A feeo Photo
Musician — London / Oxford
A feeo Photo
feeo - from London/Oxford(shire).
Prairie girl/ ex-Snowboarder.
Every The Comet is Coming gig that I’ve been to (which is quite a few). It always feels like some kind of Dionysian purge or exorcism.
Alice Coltrane and The Prodigy.
I find it hard to pinpoint particularly influential subcultures because I feel that growing up in the internet age has somewhat morphed the concept of a subculture. Now everything is so referential and ultimately recycled it’s difficult to situate my own identity within that. Have subcultures all relocated to the internet? Idk, I think we all just regurgitate and remix random bits of everything because that’s ultimately what the world looks like post-Google haha.
I think for the laughs maybe the Marquis de Sade.
Avalon Cafe in South Bermondsey is the greatest venue of all time. I will be buried on the side of Surrey Canal road in front of the recycling plant.
I don’t know if he’s unsung but Jan Jelinek is quickly becoming a big hero of mine.
'Thriller' by Michael Jackson.
'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac.
'Hejira' by Joni Mitchell.
"A woman I knew just drowned herself, The well was deep and muddy, She was just shaking off futility, Or punishing somebody. My friends were calling up all day yesterday, All emotions and abstractions, It seems we all live so close to that line, And so far from satisfaction"
From 'Song for Sharon' by Joni Mitchell.
'Spanish Joint' by D'angelo.
'Sinnerman' by Nina Simone.
'OMG' by Usher.
'Go Down Easy' by John Martyn.
'Hvnli' by keiyaA.
'Jour 2' by Hildegard.
'Under The Mercies' by Lunch Money Life.
feeo - from London/Oxford(shire).
Prairie girl/ ex-Snowboarder.
Every The Comet is Coming gig that I’ve been to (which is quite a few). It always feels like some kind of Dionysian purge or exorcism.
Alice Coltrane and The Prodigy.
I find it hard to pinpoint particularly influential subcultures because I feel that growing up in the internet age has somewhat morphed the concept of a subculture. Now everything is so referential and ultimately recycled it’s difficult to situate my own identity within that. Have subcultures all relocated to the internet? Idk, I think we all just regurgitate and remix random bits of everything because that’s ultimately what the world looks like post-Google haha.
I think for the laughs maybe the Marquis de Sade.
Avalon Cafe in South Bermondsey is the greatest venue of all time. I will be buried on the side of Surrey Canal road in front of the recycling plant.
I don’t know if he’s unsung but Jan Jelinek is quickly becoming a big hero of mine.
'Thriller' by Michael Jackson.
'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac.
'Hejira' by Joni Mitchell.
"A woman I knew just drowned herself, The well was deep and muddy, She was just shaking off futility, Or punishing somebody. My friends were calling up all day yesterday, All emotions and abstractions, It seems we all live so close to that line, And so far from satisfaction"
From 'Song for Sharon' by Joni Mitchell.
'Spanish Joint' by D'angelo.
'Sinnerman' by Nina Simone.
'OMG' by Usher.
'Go Down Easy' by John Martyn.
'Hvnli' by keiyaA.
'Jour 2' by Hildegard.
'Under The Mercies' by Lunch Money Life.