It was at the Brentham Club that Fred first became interested in watching and playing sport – because it was on his doorstep and free. With a tatty old racquet his dad gave him, and a DIY hatchet grip, he’d practice on the club’s hard and grass courts, and if they weren’t available, he’d practice on the bowling greens until he was chased off. We’ve got a history at the Brentham Club and there’s no better home for our annual youth tennis tournament.
2019 not only marked the first ever Fred Perry Championship, but 100 years since Fred first played at the Brentham Club. This year, we couldn’t wait to get back on those black/champagne tennis courts and meet the champions of the future.

The 2020 Fred Perry
Photo and video content by Getty Images
We proudly introduce this year’s championship winners and the tennis champions of the future.

For 2020, we hosted regional qualifying events across the UK, taking over courts in Nottingham, Manchester and Hove the weekend before the finals. As well as the usual high-ranked players, wildcards were given to aspiring players, giving more ‘Freds’ from different backgrounds and walks of life the opportunity to enter the championship.
The finals took place at Fred’s beloved Brentham Club and down the road at Pitshanger Park’s Will to Win community courts. Although things had to be a little different this year, you could catch all the action from the comfort of your own living room, with live scoring throughout the course of the weekend and some seriously tense live-streamed finals on Sunday.
Male and female winners in each age group receive a clothing supply and tennis grant, plus a medal inscribed with some sound advice from Fred Perry himself: Be Absolutely Dedicated.