My name is Ilya, I'm Adept’s founder.

Adept, Belarus
We shine a spotlight on some of our most exciting independent stockists around the world. This time, we’re in Belarus, catching up with Adept’s founder, Ilya.
Our store is in Minsk, Belarus. Adept is located in the building of a former factory on Oktyabrskaya street, which is the cultural center of our city.
I have been fascinated by subculture all my life, and working with clothes was a hobby at the beginning. Then my hobby turned into a big project. Me and the store's team would like to contribute to the development of local culture. We do more and more from year to year.
Refuge (for the) Tricked Out! Sorry, that’s more than three words! Community, progress, culture.

Adept Store is not just a store, but also gathering place for like-minded people. Our community express themselves through clothing, creativity, social activities. We collaborate with musicians, artists and cultural projects. We have held meetings, presentations and film screenings in our store.
The Crystal Method - Keep Hope Alive (1997)

We collect "dog tax" among ourselves every month. This money goes to various local animal shelters.
We are neighbours with several live and electronic music venues. Most of the events take place in Hide and Lo-Fi. Sometimes the whole street becomes pedestrianized and turns into a big festival like Vulica Brasil. A little further are our friends: Minsk8 Skateboarding Museum and Good Sign Tattoo Studio.